TS Core Seminar

“Everyday, and in every lesson, God is speaking to me.”

Pastor Manzimba, DRC

Home / TS Core Seminar

The Classic

Transformation Series

Our signature curriculum, the Transformation Series (TS), includes 3 consecutive seminars (typically conducted over a 2 week period) with varying themes: transformation of the heart, transformation of character and leadership, and transformation of society. The Transformation Series utilizes Bible storytelling and discovery learning which allows participants to uncover answers in God’s Word through collaborative and active learning. Outreach and practical application are also vital components of the seminars. The TS series is accredited through YWAM’s University of the Nations. Graduates will receive 1 credit per week of the seminar with a possibility of 6 credits if all BELT Transformation Series Seminars (TS 1, 2, & 3) are completed.

Most Widely Taught

TS Level 1: Transformation of the Heart

This first level seminar focuses on the beauty of God and the profound Gospel message, with an emphasis on repentance and reconciliation to the purposes of God.
Topics include: Pursuing the Truth. The Greatness of God. The Goodness of God. Growing in Friendship with God. The Value and Design of People. God’s Laws of Love. The Root of Sin. The Destructiveness of Sin. The Kindness of God in Salvation. Salvation from Sin.

Each outline includes key Bible stories with questions, leading ideas, further study sections, reflection questions, sample application activities, and a summary image with description. 

Choose from regional packages with contextualized images – Asia, Africa-Pacific or Latin America. Please further adapt the posters to be more suitable to where you are located.


Latin America

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All About Christian life and leadership

TS Level 2: Transformation of Character

This second level seminar examines the lives of leaders throughout the main historical periods of the Bible, with an examination of their ideas, their character, their contributions in leadership and the lessons we can glean.

Topics include: God’s Story of Redemption. Abraham (Walking by Faith). Joseph (Practicing Forgiveness). Moses (Growing in Humility). Joshua (Hearing & Courageously Obeying God). Deborah (Supporting Women in Ministry). David (Pursuing God with a Pure Heart). Daniel (Working with Excellence). Jesus (Leading as a Servant). Peter (Building Christian Unity). Paul (Spreading God’s Kingdom of Light). The Bible Action Overview.



All my life I have wanted to KNOW God – now you have taught me to do this!

Through BELT I was transformed. I started to look at my family with great value resulting in joy and happiness in my family.

We taught the BELT material to young people in the school where I work and we saw immorality and violence decrease.

The course has brought unity among the pastors of the 10 denominations attending…which has not happened before.

This seminar was like opening treasure and giving out gifts to the students.

Exploring the spheres of influence

TS Level 3: Transformation of Society

In this third level seminar, key passages are examined throughout the historical periods of the Bible to uncover principles which impact all areas of society, with an emphasis on the family, church and civil government.

Topics include: Discipling the Nations. Foundations for Freedom. The Pagan Government of Egypt. God Establishes the Righteous Nation of Israel. God’s Purpose and Plan for each Area of a Righteous and Free Society. The Failure of Character in Israel. The Decline and Fall of the Nation of Israel. Rebuilding the Broken Nation of Judah. The Example of Jesus in His Society. The Apostles and Society. Exploring Ways to Engage and Transform Your Community.





Strengthen the global church

A Mile Wide & An Inch Deep

So it has been said about the church of Africa and could be said of other places. But God wants more for His children.  The necessity to ground and establish converts is our mandate. “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations… teaching them to obey all I commanded.” (Mat 18:18-20) Will you join us in this critical mission?