Join the Network
“This BELT project… I believe is going to transform the Congo.”
Dr. Bettina Gottschlich-Modibale, SIL Host
What are you waiting for?
The Family is Waiting
Be a part of a growing network that spans the globe, planting seeds for personal revival and societal reformation. Reach the least reached in Mexico, or those from forgotten Pacific islands or the post-Christian generations of Europe. Join a team or start your own BELT expression at your YWAM location. BELT tools will help you disciple old and young, and dive into the transformative truths of Scripture, whether oral or written. To learn more about BELT, download the BELT Information Packet here.

Increasing Effectiveness in Missions
“One of the keys to make world missions more effective is to train those who can multiply the truth into others. BELT has been a valuable tool to expand the message of the Gospel. The results have always been dynamic.The material concisely and effectively enables Bible teachers to communicate the Gospel message. It brilliantly captures the key ideas of the Kingdom of God that can transform nations.”
Don and Barb Johnson, YWAM Central America Directors
New wine in new wineskins
Multiplying Local Teams
Though originally focusing on the multiplication of international Bible teaching teams crossing the globe, our focus has shifted to raising local teams able to meet invitations for Scripture engagement locally and regionally. The result is teams able to quickly respond to requests, easily adapt to minimal cultural and language differences, fewer travel restrictions and international travel expenses, and the ability to develop long-term strategies and resources appropriate for local contexts. We love to equip teams that feel BELT training is appropriate for their locations. Interested in joining the network?

How to Grow a Local Team
Experience the Transformation Series (TS)
Join a full 2-week TS seminar for optimum exposure. Alternatively, experience a Taster, a 2-3 day discovery seminar, which includes one topic from each of the three levels of BELT’s core discipleship training, as well as BELT’s history and values. Choose between 4 themes: Relationships, Leadership, Missions, or Restoration. Determine if BELT is the right tool for your ministry or base.
Learn BELT’s content & methods
Go deeper in BELT’s DNA, goals, and values. This 1-2 week workshop (depending on previous BELT exposure) will prepare you to run an effective seminar. Some topics include: keys to transformation, effective delivery, relevant application, and methods of reaching oral learners.
Do first then teach
Work together with an experienced coach as you teach and co-lead a full 2-week seminar. Learn about contextualization, felt needs, laws of learning, organizing committees, outreach, graduation, and financial expectations.
BELT is available for support
This is where it all comes together. BELT coaches are available to debrief the experience and offer support where needed. Discuss following up with other BELT seminars. This is a good time to reassess needs, opportunities, and local strategies.
Mutual care, mutual support
Maintain connection to the larger BELT network for ongoing support, accountability, training, resources, and prayer.
Started a team? Now what?
To seed disciple making movements, teams can consider these possibilities.
Think longer-term. Focus your training strategies on one community or language group to invest in. Building strong relationships is key in this process.
Continue with on-going discipleship which can include any of the tools already offered or introduce new ones to meet the needs of the location.
The goal is disciple makers multiplying disciple makers. Though all can and should be disciple makers, identify key people and influencers to invest more heavily in to facilitate the movement well and broadly.
Remember Jesus is concerned with the whole person. We should also be. Find ways to meet real needs in a healthy way or bring in other specialists to assist. Explore resources on our Community Development page.
To increase the breadth of quality discipleship resources available in the heart language, collaborate with locals to produce fresh audio, media and other resources. Consider resources available for children and youth, availability of Bibles (oral or written), and literacy rates.
The more you have to offer, the better the support you can give. Consider upgrading your skills in media, audio, OMT/OBT, agriculture, community development, community health, youth and children's work.
To build unity and foster cooperation, find ways to serve churches and other organizations. Attend their special events, support community outreaches, offer your strengths in win-win partnerships.
Strengthen regional BELT teams and other BELT pioneering efforts through connection, collaboration and support. Offer practical skills to benefit the whole BELT tribe (IT, graphic design, videography, photography, social media etc.)