About BSN

“The BSN definitely changed my life. I got a lifetime download of the heart of God from Genesis to Revelation.” Michelle, USA

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Where the heart and mind connect

Bible School for the Nations

A practical, life-giving study from creation to Revelation

The 6 month BSN core course is designed to provide a Biblical foundation, tools and skills for those who are hungry for the Living Word. As you study the Scriptures, deepen in your love for God and your desire to share His intelligent ways in the nations.

During the four month classroom phase of the BSN, students will grow in their biblical worldview as they gain an overall understanding of the Bible while studying it chronologically. With a focus on personal and societal application, students’ confidence in God will be enlarged as they understand His character, how He brings about His purposes in history, and learn His intentions for each sphere of society.

A Honeymoon with God


“During BSN, I fell in love with God in a new way. I came to realize that God is consistent from the Old to New Testament…  I saw His heart for people, specifically His heart for me. I found freedom I never knew I could have. I would recommend BSN to anyone who wants to know God not only through the truth of the Word, but through transformation in their own heart.” Chris, USA


What You'll Experience

While learning various tools to interactively study the Bible, students will understand God’s Word in the context of its history, culture and literary styles. Skills will be developed to appropriately approach and study difficult passages as well as prepare and deliver topical and textual messages, along with Bible storying.

Further training is provided for students to become more creative and effective communicators so they not only know the Word, but know how to convey it. The two month outreach portion provides opportunity to disciple communities by providing culturally relevant and strategic Bible training to those who will influence others.

The BSN is a University of the Nations Bible Core Course. Graduates can receive up to 26 credits based upon completion of the course and participation in the outreach module. Successful completion of a DTS is required to attend the BSN.

BSN Course Modules

In preparation for journeying through the Bible, we will examine approaches to studying the Scriptures, and explore the trustworthiness of the Word of God. Learning the tools to study the Bible in its historical, cultural and literary context will not only unlock the meaning of Scripture in the BSN, but give a framework for a lifetime of Bible study.

The first five books of the Bible (the Pentateuch) are the foundation to understanding the entire Bible along with the origins of the family, church and civil government. During its early pages, you will discover the wise and loving character of God as He interacts with people and nations. God’s plan of redemption of the world begins with Abraham but unfolds more fully with the nation of Israel in the wilderness. We’ll discover how God sets up a new civil and religious system in Israel based on righteousness in contrast to the pagan system of Egypt. We’ll examine God’s heart and intentions in giving the Law, and discuss challenging questions about the flood, destroying Sodom and Gomorrah and the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart. A study from the book of Deuteronomy on the spheres of society will show not only how God was preparing Israel to enter the Promised Land, but also give principles for nations today.

Here we study Israel’s conquest of Canaan leading up to the establishment of the Kingdom of Israel, its division and its decline leading up to its exile. Learn valuable lessons from the lives of key leaders like Joshua, Deborah, Samuel and David. Continue to explore principles of government as you follow Israel’s rejection of God’s ways in demanding a king just like the surrounding nations. This begins the increasingly turbulent period of Israel’s story, ending in the destruction of the north and the exile of the southern kingdom to Babylon. Study key books and passages of the kings and the prophets to examine the ways and character of God in dealing with sin and wickedness.

During this tragic and chaotic period of Israel’s history, the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel give us a close-up look at God’s discipline, His merciful character and His redemptive love for His people during their darkest hour. We examine how God strategically uses the rise and fall of empires and godly leaders like Daniel, Esther, Ezra and Nehemiah to preserve Judah in exile and to guide a righteous remnant back to rebuild their nation. A student book study on a minor prophet is conducted during this module.

Here we survey the Gospels and expound on the life of Jesus the Messiah. His life, death and resurrection is the climax and fulfillment of God’s plan of redemption for the world which began with Abraham. God’s hand in the historical events and kingdoms that lead up to the birth of Jesus are examined during the 400 silent years of the intertestamental period. Jesus’ life, ministry and primary message of the Kingdom of God are explored in depth. In this module, students do a topical study on the Kingdom of God from the message and parables of Jesus.

Here we survey the Gospels and expound on the life of Jesus the Messiah. His life, death and resurrection is the climax and fulfillment of God’s plan of redemption for the world which began with Abraham. God’s hand in the historical events and kingdoms that lead up to the birth of Jesus are examined during the 400 silent years of the intertestamental period. Jesus’ life, ministry and primary message of the Kingdom of God are explored in depth. In this module, students do a topical study on the Kingdom of God from the message and parables of Jesus.

God’s plan of redemption for all nations did not end with the New Testament, but is ongoing. God’s providence in the spread of the Gospel and the advancement of liberty is examined throughout church history, culminating with studies of His activity in nations today. The modern missions movements and social reforms initiated by people who loved God will be discussed. Key biblical principles for the family, education, the church, civil government and economics are reviewed and applied to our modern age.

Students will be equipped to be more effective in their communication of God’s Word as they learn different teaching methods, learning styles and engaging techniques and tools, including the Bible Action Overview, Bible storying and BELT posters. Understanding how adults and oral communicators learn best will be discussed, along with cross cultural considerations including contextualization. Guidance will be included for preparing for an impacting BELT outreach experience.

Students become instructors as they apply what they have learned in the classroom and Cross Cultural Training into real world Scriptural engagement seminars, providing culturally relevant and practical Bible training to those who will influence others. Teams often partner with BELT in supporting and empowering indigenous and local pastors and community leaders who have limited access to Bible training.

In preparation for journeying through the Bible, we will examine approaches to studying the Scriptures, and explore the trustworthiness of the Word of God. Learning the tools to study the Bible in its historical, cultural and literary context will not only unlock the meaning of Scripture in the BSN, but give a framework for a lifetime of Bible study.

Here we study Israel’s conquest of Canaan leading up to the establishment of the Kingdom of Israel, its division and its decline leading up to its exile. Learn valuable lessons from the lives of key leaders like Joshua, Deborah, Samuel and David. Continue to explore principles of government as you follow Israel’s rejection of God’s ways in demanding a king just like the surrounding nations. This begins the increasingly turbulent period of Israel’s story, ending in the destruction of the north and the exile of the southern kingdom to Babylon. Study key books and passages of the kings and the prophets to examine the ways and character of God in dealing with sin and wickedness.

Here we survey the Gospels and expound on the life of Jesus the Messiah. His life, death and resurrection is the climax and fulfillment of God’s plan of redemption for the world which began with Abraham. God’s hand in the historical events and kingdoms that lead up to the birth of Jesus are examined during the 400 silent years of the intertestamental period. Jesus’ life, ministry and primary message of the Kingdom of God are explored in depth. In this module, students do a topical study on the Kingdom of God from the message and parables of Jesus.

God’s plan of redemption for all nations did not end with the New Testament, but is ongoing. God’s providence in the spread of the Gospel and the advancement of liberty is examined throughout church history, culminating with studies of His activity in nations today. The modern missions movements and social reforms initiated by people who loved God will be discussed. Key biblical principles for the family, education, the church, civil government and economics are reviewed and applied to our modern age.

Students become instructors as they apply what they have learned in the classroom and Cross Cultural Training into real world Scriptural engagement seminars, providing culturally relevant and practical Bible training to those who will influence others. Teams often partner with BELT in supporting and empowering indigenous and local pastors and community leaders who have limited access to Bible training.

The first five books of the Bible (the Pentateuch) are the foundation to understanding the entire Bible along with the origins of the family, church and civil government. During its early pages, you will discover the wise and loving character of God as He interacts with people and nations. God’s plan of redemption of the world begins with Abraham but unfolds more fully with the nation of Israel in the wilderness. We’ll discover how God sets up a new civil and religious system in Israel based on righteousness in contrast to the pagan system of Egypt. We’ll examine God’s heart and intentions in giving the Law, and discuss challenging questions about the flood, destroying Sodom and Gomorrah and the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart. A study from the book of Deuteronomy on the spheres of society will show not only how God was preparing Israel to enter the Promised Land, but also give principles for nations today.

During this tragic and chaotic period of Israel’s history, the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel give us a close-up look at God’s discipline, His merciful character and His redemptive love for His people during their darkest hour. We examine how God strategically uses the rise and fall of empires and godly leaders like Daniel, Esther, Ezra and Nehemiah to preserve Judah in exile and to guide a righteous remnant back to rebuild their nation. A student book study on a minor prophet is conducted during this module.

Here we survey the Gospels and expound on the life of Jesus the Messiah. His life, death and resurrection is the climax and fulfillment of God’s plan of redemption for the world which began with Abraham. God’s hand in the historical events and kingdoms that lead up to the birth of Jesus are examined during the 400 silent years of the intertestamental period. Jesus’ life, ministry and primary message of the Kingdom of God are explored in depth. In this module, students do a topical study on the Kingdom of God from the message and parables of Jesus.

Students will be equipped to be more effective in their communication of God’s Word as they learn different teaching methods, learning styles and engaging techniques and tools, including the Bible Action Overview, Bible storying and BELT posters. Understanding how adults and oral communicators learn best will be discussed, along with cross cultural considerations including contextualization. Guidance will be included for preparing for an impacting BELT outreach experience.


Choosing to attend the BSN was the best decision I’ve made in my spiritual journey.

Having a strong foundation in the Bible has strengthened my ability to disciple others.

God's Word has brought me so much freedom and so much love. It brought so much healing to my life.